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Seminar(Gui-Rong Liang)

发布者:  时间:2023-10-16 16:03:14  浏览:

Speaker: Gui-Rong Liang (SUST)

Time: October 20th Friday, 2:00-3:00pm

Title: Gravition-Photon Conversion in Atoms and Extremely High Frequency Gravitational Wave Detections

Abstract: Graviton-Photon conversion (GRAPH) is an important method to detect high-frequency gravitational waves (HFGW), the basic formalism and applications will be introduced in this talk. From graviton to photon conversion (G to P), we present key features of GRAPH in a static transverse background of electric or magnetic field; then we derive the cross section of graviton-atom interaction in a background of spherical electric field, the result makes it possible to catch MeV level gravitons from the universe with current or upgraded neutrino facilities; we will also discuss about corresponding astrophysical sources and the limitation on their properties. From photon to graviton conversion (P to G), we introduce an experiment using entangled photon pairs with one beam of them passing through a magnetic tunnel, to examine the energy quantization of gravitational field by counting missing photons. Finally we conclude and discuss some prospects of the topic.

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